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  “Why were you so rude to your brother?” Gladys asked. “He drove all the way over here to deliver that package to you. But you didn’t invite him inside your apartment. You didn’t offer him anything to drink or eat. Then, when he was talking to me, you kept telling him to speak faster. He was speaking slowly because he knows my English isn’t that good—he was just being polite. Finally, when he and I sat down in the living room, you just went to your computer and started typing away.”

  William tried to explain to Gladys that what she saw between him and his brother was their normal interaction. Roland was simply delivering a package; there was nothing for the two of them to chat about. Further, Roland felt that William's apartment had an odor; he usually didn’t even come inside the apartment when he visited. In addition, Roland was very picky about what he drank and ate—he wasn’t interested in eating William’s “junk food.”

  Finally, William argued, he had told Roland many times not to “talk down” to Gladys. “He talks to you like you’re a two-year-old,” William said.

  She said she didn’t mind; Roland was just trying to communicate. She just wished that William would be more polite to him. “When my sister visits me,” she said, “I hug her, I invite her inside, we eat and drink and talk, and we just have a good time with each other.”

  Well, William told her, he and his brother were different. “No,” she corrected him, “maybe you and I are different.”


  The California state assembly recently approved the so-called Paris Hilton bill, which bars dogs from occupying the driver’s seat in a moving vehicle. The bill passed because Democrats wanted to make an example of Miss Hilton. They think she is a “little rich girl” who always gets her way; plus, her daddy is a big contributor to the Republican party. “The judge should have put her in jail for four months,” said one Democrat when Paris got only a four-day jail sentence for driving while intoxicated.

  Driving around town with her little dog Lovey hanging out the driver’s window, Paris is a familiar sight throughout Los Angeles. Pictures of her and Lovey are common in newspapers and magazines.

  “That dog is a deadly menace to everyone on the streets and the sidewalks,” said assembly leader Fabian Nunez. “We wrote this bill to protect the public. There's no telling when the dog might cause her to drive into a crowd of pedestrians. If Paris wants to be with her dog, let her chauffeur do the driving. The state assembly is responsible for protecting people, and we take that responsibility seriously.”

  The assembly bill passed by a vote of 44 to 11. The state senate is expected to approve the bill, and Governor Schwarzenegger has promised to sign it. “I love dogs,” he said, “but when it comes to protecting the people of California, dogs will have to take a back seat.”

  The eleven assembly members who objected to the bill were all Republicans. “While Californians,” said Republican Tom Ridge, “are being attacked daily by murderers, rapists, and muggers, who do the Democrats protect citizens from—a spoiled little girl and her dog!”


  To protect celebrities from the photographers who hound them, the mayor of Malibu has made a decision. “All professional photographers who want to take photos of celebrities in Malibu must be licensed. The license will cost $2,000 a year,” said Mayor Eddie Arnold. “I know that sounds like a lot, but these people can make a lot of money off one photo.”

  In fact, a recent photo of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s new baby sold for $4 million. They had contracted with a magazine for the photo, and then donated the money to a charity for children. A couple of years before that, a photo of Brad and Angelina walking along an African beach sold for $400,000. So celebrity photos, contracted or candid, can make a photographer wealthy. But the stalking that goes on can make a celebrity crazy; recently, an actor punched out a photographer.

  Stalking can be dangerous to the public, too. Recently, paparazzi in nine different cars chased after Britney Spears as she left a friend's house to go to a nearby restaurant. The driver of one car, intent on beating his competitors, struck a man in a crosswalk. The man was taken to the hospital with two broken legs. Nobody took his photo.

  That accident prompted the mayor’s decision. The very cost of the license, he said, would reduce the number of photographers who hang around in Malibu. “Good riddance,” said one restaurant owner. “Some of them hang around my restaurant every Saturday. They never buy lunch or dinner. They just use my rest room all day long.”

  The paparazzi, of course, were angry. “We’re just little people trying to make a buck,” said Ansel Adams. “Most of us never have big paydays. Malibu should collect the $2,000 only if we actually sell a photo.”


  The first report was that hundreds in the delta had died. But by the third day, estimates were that 40,000 people could be dead or missing, and perhaps one million might be left homeless. Bodies were floating in rivers that were mixed with ocean water. There was little fresh water and little food. For unknown reasons, the government was refusing most offers of international aid.

  The cyclone had hit the capital of Myanmar with winds of 120 mph. It was as powerful as Hurricane Katrina, which in 2005 destroyed much of New Orleans. Katrina killed 1,800 people and left about 100,000 people homeless.

  Meteorologists watched the cyclone closely and warned the Myanmar government about it two days before the cyclone hit the country. But the Myanmar government failed to warn citizens to prepare for the dangerous storm.

  “We were in our hotel,” said an American tourist who was visiting the capital with his wife. “We could see the weather changing, but the locals didn’t seem to be worried. When the wind smashed the windows in our hotel room, we started worrying. The wind blew the rain and tree branches and other debris into our room. We went into the bathroom and got into the tub. We didn’t feel safe in the bathroom, but where could we go? The wind howled and things banged around forever. We thought we were going to die for sure. When the storm finally passed, we looked outside. We couldn't believe the destruction. Mostly all we could see was just water.” There was no telling when power would be restored or when roads would be usable. The Myanmar government was doing nothing to help matters. “That’s because they prefer that we all die,” said an angry survivor.


  Enough was enough. After four years of devoting herself to Ward, Leah had given up. “I’m moving to New York,” she said. He couldn’t believe it. He begged her to give him one more chance. She said she had already given him “one more chance” too many times.

  “I asked you to marry me, but you said you weren’t ready to get married. You’re 50 years old—when will you be ready!? I asked you to find us an apartment, so that we could live together; you didn’t. As a nervous realtor, I asked you to stay with me when I had to sit in open houses by myself on weekends. You didn’t. I asked you to help my son find a scholarship or grant so that he could attend a good college. You didn’t. Shall I go on?”

  He said he got the picture. He apologized. “My priorities weren’t right; now I realize that you are my only priority.”

  She said his apology was too little, too late. She had already bought an airline ticket to New York City; her flight was Monday evening.

  His jaw dropped. “You’re not serious! What are you going to do in New York?” he asked. “You don’t know anyone there. You’ve never even been there. You can’t just fly into New York all alone and start wandering around. It’s a dangerous place. And the places that aren’t dangerous are expensive. You don’t have any money!”

  She said she had enough money to stay in a hotel until she found an apartment and a job. She had always wanted to live in a big, exciting city like New York. “That’s where I can start my own business,” she said, “and maybe find a man I can depend on!”













