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5月雅思口语Part2话题精读配范文:a trip that you went on

You should say:

Where you went

What means of transportation you took

Who you were with

How you felt about the trip


相信烤鸭们对雅思口语考试中旅行类的话题也不算陌生了,不论是Part1还是Part 2,旅行类的话题总是以换汤不换药的方式摧残着烤鸭们脆弱的心灵。本题在关键词“旅行”的基础上加上了作为补充的另一关键词 - “公共交通”,虽然对纯粹的旅行话题进行了一点变动,但其实烤鸭们不必太过担心,只需要在自己的答案中提及乘坐公共交通工具这一部分的内容即可。


再来看题目的问题,题卡要求考鸭们描述一次乘坐公共交通工具进行的旅行,首先考鸭们得确定自己要讲的旅行发生在哪个地点(Where),其次这必然要求各考鸭们对公共交通工具的单词有所积累(What),但是又不可将“公共交通工具-publictransportation”和“交通工具-means oftransportation”混为一谈, 这时候如果考鸭们不加思索地开始讲述自己的一次公路旅行或者公路骑行就势必会在在审题上扣分了。选择好旅行的地方和乘坐的公共交通工具之后,再随意地选择同行的人物即可(Who),最常见的可以是家人、朋友,当然如果想说是自己一个人进行的旅行也是完全可以的,毕竟雅思口语考试中并不注重把评分的标准放置在答案内容的精确度上,而是各位考鸭们在用英语表达自己时的流利度、词汇量、语法和发音。当然,有了以上的思路后要将答案说到一分半到两分钟的长度还是很有难度的,这时候考鸭们需要自己补充提示问题没有给的内容,例如旅途中做了什么事(What)或者旅行中一个有意思的小插曲(example) 。最后,在讲完故事后加上自己的主观感受(How),本题最后一小问的设置不像往常以“why”开头直接偏向性地要求考鸭们解释为何喜欢或者不喜欢某事,所以考鸭们在答这道题的时候选择说享受或是不享受这次旅行都是可以的。



【地点 WHERE】

mountain 山 lake 湖 beach 沙滩 park 公园 amusement park 游乐园 tourist attraction 风景名胜 historical interest 名胜古迹 landmark 历史地标 Hong Kong 香港 Macau 澳门 Taipei 台北 Thailand 泰国 Japan 日本 Korea 韩国

国内城市和地方名字可直接用拼音表示,如:Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu…


【时间 WHEN】

summer/winter vacation 暑/寒假 public holiday 公共假期 National day 国庆节 weekends 周末 last year/summer/December/week 去年/去年夏天/去年12月/上周

• X years/months/weeks/days ago X年/月/周/日前(X>1)

【人物 WHO】

family 家人 parents 父母friends 朋友 classmate 同学colleague 同事 relative 亲戚 fellow traveller旅伴


bus 公共汽车 coach 长途汽车 subway/metro 地铁 train 火车 bullet train 动车airplane 飞机 ship 船 cruise ship 游轮

【感受 HOW】

amazing 令人惊异的 terrific 极好的 wonderful 绝妙的;精彩的 fascinating 迷人的 unforgettable 难忘的 impressive 令人印象深刻的 memorable 值得纪念的delicious/tasty 美味的 dissatisfied 不满意的 disappointed 失望的 exhausted 筋疲力竭的 bored 无聊的 awkward 尴尬的 weird 古怪的


• remind sb. of sth. 是某人想起某事 • it was X years ago 那是在X年前

• catch the plane/train/bus 赶飞机/火车/公车 • get on/off 上/下(车/飞机)

• broaden one’s horizon 开拓某人的视野 • be full of/filled withsth. 充满着…

• to be honest 实话实说,实话说来 • I think/I suppose 我认为/我想

• too… to… 太…以致于… • get rid of 摆脱;去除

• release pressure 释放压力

• well, you know 嗯,你懂的...

• by the time… 当…的时候

• be tired from… 因…而疲乏

• at the same time/in the meantime 同一时间;同时


• Amsterdam • collage friends • train+airplane • chat, laugh, photo,video • sex, beer, red light • magic mushroom • V-log • meet up


Well, this topic reminds me of the journey I had back in Amsterdam. It was about two years ago, and I went there with my friends by air.

We booked the tickets online from the Easy jet official site and spent our four impressive nights in Amsterdam. To be honest, it wasn’t the first time for me to be there but it was definitely not the same as the one I had.

There were six of us and the trip was full of laughter since the moment we started off, our school was one-hour train away from the airport so we had to take the train first before we get on our plane. We chatted and laughed on the train since we were too excited to calm down, coz you know, we just finished a series of bloody assignments plus presentations at school and put a full stop to the semester. By the time we finally on board, everyone was tired from the non-stop talking along the way so we just focused on our own stuff to kill the time on the plane.

We visited a couple of different tourist attractions in Amsterdam such as the Sex Museum, the Heineken Beer factory and of course, the Red Light District. Meanwhile, We took a great amount of photos and videos during the trip and were hoping to make a V-log after we get back to school but with no doubt, it never happens, I guess all of us were just too exhausted or maybe too lazy for this work.

Anyway, we have all our memories in our photo albums but most importantly in our minds, and it will never fades away. Especially the part we tried the magic mushroom in that shabby hotel room, which was really crazy, and I’m not planning to share it today.

Well, I suppose it’s always fun to travel with your besties and make cherished memory with each other, hopefully we could meet up soon and start our next adventure.


• Describe a perfect vacation(away from home) you would like to have in the future - 将过去时换成将来时

• Describe a trip that you plan to go in the neat future - 和上题类似

• Talk about an interesting journey you took recently - 选用表示近期的时间词

• Describe a journey you took to a foreign country -选用表示外国地名的地点词

• Describe a happy experience you had before - 旅行也是经历,对主观情绪的描述积极向上即可

• Describe a journey you remember

• Describe one of your memorable journeys

• Describe a long journey that you enjoyed

• Describe a short trip

5月雅思口语Part2话题精读配范文:competition you want to take part in

You should say

What it is

When will it take

Where will it take



如果雅思口语里说各种talent competition你嫌俗气,那么就来参加个大胃王(biggest eater)比赛吧,绝对清新脱俗。比赛的好处嘛… 嗯,虽然满脑袋蹦出来的都是伤害身体的情节,不过使劲儿想,还是有很酷的一面的,比如周游世界各种比赛各种吃,对于foodie来讲,应该是天堂了吧…… 如果顺便破个世界纪录,拿个奖什么的,岂不更帅了:


I’ve always wanted to sign up for the speed eating contest, you know, where contestants clash to eat as much as possible in a short period of time.

I first heard about this competition on TV, it was held in Japan, and a bunch of pretty girls were sitting at a table, pigging out on noodles. At first, the sight of it just made me full, you know, I was like, ‘That’s disguising. Why would someone eat like that?’ However, later, when I think about it, it could be pretty fun. I mean, I get to eat all those food for free, like donuts, apple pies, cup cakes, hamburgers, pizza, seafood and things like that. And best part is, I can fly around the world to all those interesting places to enter the competition, I heard this activity is super popular in America, it’s more like a tradition there. Plus, I think it’s pretty cool if I can set a new world record, although I know it’s highly unlikely. Another thing I like about this competition is that, I might meet quite a few interesting people. You know, some girls who take part in this kind of competition have super big stomach, but they barely put on any weight no matter how much they eat. I really want to meet them and find out their secrets.


clash = to come together and fight or compete in a contest

例如:The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.

pig out on something = (informal) to eat too much food

例如:They pigged out on pizza.

unlikely = not likely to happen; not probable

例如:It's most (= very) unlikely that she'll arrive before seven.

The project seemed unlikely to succeed.

5月雅思口语Part2话题精读配范文:skills you learned in a math class

You should say:

What the skill was

How you learned it

Who taught you

And why it was useful to you





The useful skill I learned in a math class from my primary school is the multiplication form. This form is made up of results of multiplications between all the numbers from 1 to 9. For example, 2 multiply eight equals 16 and 3 multiply 7 equals 21. It is usually presented in the shape of stairs, and knowing it enables us to get the results of multiplications quickly.


This form is a compulsory content for all the pupils around China in their primary education. From Laokaoya. From day one, I spent a great deal of time familiarizing, learning and practicing it so that I will not forget it for my whole life. This article is from laokaoya website, do not copy or repost it.It has become my instinct and I can still speak out these numbers without thinking.


It was a middle-aged female teacher who taught me this form. At that time, I was quite numb and a slow learner. Even if it was a very simple question, I could get the result wrong. However, the teacher would not criticise me, but patiently explain again and again and guide me through the computing process. Finally, I caught up with my classmates and mastered this form.


It is very useful in life. When we are shopping, we often need to do some simple calculation so that the goods will not exceed our budget. from Laokaoya. Without a calculator at hand, I often resort to this multiplication form to get my numbers and it never goes wrong.

Part 3 问题

Can computers help us in math areas?

What is the first subject learned by children in China?

What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?

How do you use math in your daily life?

Do you think everyone needs to learn math?



Mental Math Skills 心算能力

The above calculations usually arise at times when, or places where, I do not wish to take the time to pull out a calculating device, or let the world know I cannot figure things out without help.

Descriptive and Predictive Statistics 数据统计

Many news reports and advertisements use statistics, but seldom provide enough information for the viewer or reader to make their own evaluation of the data. A strong background in descriptive statistics helps you to understand how easily incomplete statistical information, or poorly designed polls, can mislead at election time, in advertisements, or in making organizational decisions. Recent research results on brain development also seem to lean towards describing our brain as a marvelous statistical engine that allows us to make reasonable inferences in situations that have a history of varied results.

Work Habits 良好的工作习惯

Using scrap paper to do work on topics not yet mastered, and copying work over before handing it in. It is amazing how much can be learned from copying work over:

– checking for mistakes

– correcting post-mistake work efficiently

– finding a new way to approach a problem

– finding a better or more effective way to present your answer

Keeping course materials organized in a way that makes them easy to review regularly, and find material when needed. Organization skills and habits of mind can help improve both your efficiency and your results on most any task or assignment.

Communicating My Thought Process 思路表达能力

Most math teachers will require their students to “show their work” in order to receive full credit. This is no different than an English teacher requiring a conclusion to be justified by preceding persuasive paragraphs. Writing an “essay” that consisted only of a concluding sentence, even if it is a very good conclusion, would not result in a passing grade. Neither will most work in math and science if all you do is show the result. We always, always need to either convince the reader that our result makes sense, and/or help the reader verify that we have not made any mistakes. In English, we use words to do so; in Math we use both words and the more concise notations developed in each Math course.

Problem Solving解决问题能力

The more challenging a task, the more creative the solution approaches need to be. Can a problem be made easier to understand by summarizing or doodling? Can it be broken down into smaller pieces that are easier to tackle? Can you start at the end and work backwards? Can you start somewhere in the middle, then work from there to both the beginning and the end? Can the task be described or illustrated in a different way, one that might bring completely different approaches to mind?


