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科技在中国发展中起到了“第一生产力”的作用,科技活力的迸发同样源于改革。Science and technology have served as the primary productive force in driving China's development. A robust scientific and technological sector would not be possible without reform.

Reform has also unleashed the vitality of science and technology, which have served as the primary driving force behind China’s robust development.


Over the past 30 years and more, we have deepened reform of science and technology institutions. While strengthening basic research, we have encouraged the scientific and technological personnel to compete in the market and create their own value. In this way, we have developed and grown scientific and technological companies through market competition, and boosted the vigor of the market and innovation.

We have been deepening the reform of research institutes over the past 30-odd years. While beefing up basic research, we have encouraged scientific staff to create value on the market and enabled technology enterprises to grow and expand amid market competition. As a result, we have reenergized the market and spurred innovation.


Through vigorous reform, we hope to reduce intervention in innovation, so that everyone with the willingness and ability to create and innovate will have the chance to succeed, leading to a situation of entrepreneurship and innovation by all.

We are vigorously advancing reforms to deregulate for innovation. We aim to spread opportunity to those entrepreneurial and innovative minds so that mass entrepreneurship and innovation will become the norm.


We will also put in place social security and assistance systems covering the entire population so that all entrepreneurs and innovators will have a "safety net" to fall back on if and when they fail, and those who fail in innovation may reflect on themselves and start new entrepreneurial endeavors.

We will also put in place an all-inclusive social security and assistance system so that those who fail in their entrepreneurship and innovation endeavors still have something to fall back on and bounce back.



The government has invested more than 550 billion yuan in power grid upgrading projects for rural areas, fundamentally improving access to electricity for rural residents. The Qinghai-Tibet electricity network project has been completed, connecting the power grid of the Tibetan plateau with those of the other parts of China. The state is accelerating the construction of electric power facilities in areas that as yet do not have electricity, and has so far ensured that more than 30 million people have access to electricity. Combined heat and power projects with a total installed capacity of 70 million kw have been built in high-altitude and frigid areas in northern China that provide more than 40 million urban residents access to heating.


As the world's largest energy producer, China mainly relies on its own strength to develop energy, and its rate of self-sufficiency has reached around 90 percent. China's energy development not only guarantees domestic economic and social development, but also makes significant contributions to global energy security. For some time to come, China's industrialization and urbanization will continue to accelerate, and the demand for energy will go on increasing, and so its energy supply will confront increasingly tougher challenges.


As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate.

皮艇港(Kayak Harbor)不断融化的冰山在嘶嘶作响,而这座偏远的北极小镇及其文化也随着气候变化日渐消失。

Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimp factory, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one.


As a result, the population here, one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in just a decade. Suicides are up.


“Fishing is the heart of this town,” said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. “Lots of people have lost their livelihoods.”

“捕鱼是这个小镇的主要产业,”今年63岁的渔民汉斯•卡斯佩森(Hans Kaspersen)说,“如今很多人失去了生计。”

But even as warming temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic life, they are also offering up intriguing new opportunities for this state of 57,000 — perhaps nowhere more so than here in Narsaq.


2020年CATTI 笔译二级精选词汇

1. 水龙头公司: faucet maker

2. 获得……认证:be certified with

3. 是: represent

4. outsell: 卖得比谁多

5. cater to sb: 满足

6. 农业大国:a large agricultural economy

7. 解决了1/5人口的吃饭问题: feed 1.3 billion people, roughly 1/5 of the world’s total

8. 在成为……的道路上: on the road/ course/ path/ route to become

9. 对……起着关键作用: hold the key to sth.…

10. 创造奇迹: work a wonder

11. 坚实的基础: a solid underpinner/ bedrock/ groundwork/ foreground

12. 经济快速发展: economic boom/transformation

1. 开展: embark on…; set sth. in motion

2. 退耕还林工程: grain-for-green/ farmland-to-forest programs

3. endeavor: 努力

4. 改善,改进, 好转: make a difference in…

5. 旨在……: designed to do

6. 优秀传统文化: extraordinary/ fine traditional culture

7. 世界文化激荡:global cultural dynamics

8. 文化软实力:soft power

9. stand apart from… by…: 在……独树一帜

10. as such: 因此

11. build a sound system: 建立一个良好的体系

12. 立足优秀传统文化,再创辉煌: build on the outstanding cultural heritage to scale new heights


A. faucet maker

B. faucet company

C. faucet firms



A. be certified with

B. be identified with

C. obtain proof of identity


3. “在成为……的道路上”的译文不正确的是___。

A. on the path to become…

B. on the road to become…

C. on the routine to become…



A. Agriculture has played an important role in China’s economic development.

B. Agriculture has been a solid underpinner/bedrock/groundwork/foreground for China’s economic boom/transformation.

C. Agriculture has played a solid guarantee for China's rapid economic development.




